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You should not have to manually edit the file modules.usbmap: It gets
created / updated when you run /sbin/depmod -a=20
This also means that the next time your system runs this command, your
changes will be lost. Do you have the options for the scanner in /etc/modul=
es.conf? This should be sufficient to create the file the way you need it.

For negatives, it is not sufficient to just reverse the colors. When you ha=
a chance, look at a historgram of a good slide and then at one from a negat=
The slide will have a very broad histogram, you will see pretty much all
densities. The negative however will be very narrow. You need to reverse th=
e colors, and then in a second step you have to "spread it out" again.

Karl Heinz

On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 04:40:28PM +1200, John Williams wrote:
> I'm using Mandrake 8.2 distro.
> Dave Lerner has been helping too. He suggested editing=20
> /etc/hotplug/usb.distmap which I did but it did not succeed. But by chanc=
e I=20
> found /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/modules.usbmap and had a=20
> look. It seemed to be very similar to /etc/hotplug/usb.distmap so I chang=
> the scanner ID in that and to my great pleasure the scanner can now be=20
> started from the Desktop (a new scanner icon appeared on the Desktop).
> Also, I found that Kodak slide transparencies scan well, it is just the=
> colour negatives that look washed out, even when I apply the reversal but=
> on the menu. I'm sure that will be sorted soon. Thank you both for your h=
> I never would have known what to do without it. John.
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Karl Heinz Kremer                                  k...@khk.net
PGP Key at                 http://www.khk.net/download/khk.asc
EPSON Sane Backend:                         http://www.khk.net

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