Hopefully this would be of use to somebody.

System: PIII-500mhz, One unsupported (yet) USB scanner. No supported usb
scanners. scanimage segfaults, gdb trace at the bottom of this e-mail.


                              Vladimir Dergachev

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
sane_sm3600_init (version_code=0xbffff278, authCB=0x8049270
    at sm3600.c:384
384               DBG(DEBUG_JUNK,"found dev %04X/%04X\n",
(gdb) list
379           DBG(DEBUG_JUNK,"scanning bus %s\n", pbus->dirname);
380           for (pdev=pbus->devices; pdev; pdev  = pdev->next)
381             {
382               unsigned short *pidProduct;
383               iDev++;
384               DBG(DEBUG_JUNK,"found dev %04X/%04X\n",
385                       pdev->descriptor.idVendor,
386                       pdev->descriptor.idProduct);
387               /* the loop is not SO effective, but straight! */
388               for (pidProduct=aidProduct; *pidProduct; pidProduct++)
(gdb) print pdev

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