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On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 03:28:00AM +0200, Christian Fughe wrote:
> > That means, with the non-CVS version of sane it worked with xsane?
> Yes!

So it's a problem of the client-side, probably the net backend.

> > By the way, you usually don't need to recompile xsane when updating
> > sane-backends.
> I thought and still think xsane has a look at the sane libs at compile
> time to get the interface right. Please tell me more, when does xsane
> needs to be recompiled according to an update of sane?

At least concerning SANE, frontends don't need to be recompiled when
you update the backend libraries. XSane is usually compiled against
libsane.so.1 and not to e.g. libsane.so.1.0.7 so as long as you don't
use SANE 0.x (which is very old) or SANE 2.x (doesn't exist yet) you
don't need to relink the frontends.

I'm using this "feature" the whole day for finding bugs. I have all
the directories sane-backends-1.0.x (x=5-7 currently) in /usr/src and
just do make install in one of these directories. Simply works :-)

Thanks for all your log files and detailed reports. I found out that
the bug is really in net.c, it's just a line that must be moved 10
lines forward in the code. It's not mustek-specific. I could reproduce
your findings by using a real network. It doesn't seem to happen on

I have just committed a fix to CVS, so please test it.

Thanks again for the excellent bug report.


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