
On: Wed, 7 May 2003 17:06:19 -0400 (EDT),
    "m. allan noah" <an...@pfeiffer.edu> wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, m. allan noah wrote:
> =

> > >   * Check if sp15c backend (Fujitsu ScanPartner 15C) can be inclu=
ded in
> > >     fujitsu or avision backends.
> > =

> =

> i put out a call for this scanner on this list, and got no responses.=
 this =

> morning, i actually found one of these in a box where i work. i have =
spent =

> a few minutes here playing with it, and with a tiny patch to avision.=
c, it =

> appears to work as well under the avision backend as it does under th=
e =

> sp15 one. i will do some more tests for discrepancies, and send patch=
es to =

> rene (avision maint).
> =

> this scanner is different enough in protocol from non-scanpartner fuj=
itsu =

> scanners that it makes no sense to expand fujitsu backend to support =
it. =

> therefore, i will also send patch to oliver (fujitsu maint) to remove=
 all =

> mention of sp15 from fujitsu backend.

That is really nice! I'll merge the tiny ADF check improvement
soon. What state should I give the scanner in the .desc? beta or

Could you send me the log from:


> allan

- Ren=E9

--  =

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