
        I'm seeking help with getting an epson USB u636 scanner working with =
sane (xsane & scanimage). I've come down quite a long path to arrive at =
"it's just so close but not yet working". I hope to find the needed help =
to get the job done here.

        My current problem is that scanimage does not find my scanner. But note 
that sane-find-scanner does find it.

        sane-find-scanner reports:

        found USB scanner (vendor=3D0x04b8 [EPSON], product=3D0x0101 =
[Perfection636]) at libusb:-08:005

        I have compiled sane with libusb. I had to trick up both the libusb and 
the sane compile to get through. During the libusb compile, it failed to =
link and I had to manually run ranlib on libusb.a before the make would =
continue. During the sane compile, the compile failed during the cannon =
backend. I edited the make file to remove all the backend objects excpet =
for the epson object which I think is the only one I need (at least for =
the time being) (and I also had to do the famous apple -no-cpp-precomp =
in the CFLAGS.)

        But ok, they have compiled. And they installed just fine (seems like to 
me anyway).

        At this point sane-find-scanner is working and reporting my usb =
scanner. But scanimage -L cannot find it.=20

        So I try to edit my /usr/local/etc/sane.d/epson.conf file to say
        usb libusb:-08:005

        Still scanimage -L cannot find it.

        So I tried to do a `mknod /dev/usbscanner0 c 180 48` with an =
appropriate `chmod`.

        Still scanimage -L cannot find it.

        xsane also cannot find the scanner through all of this either.

        What shall I try next? I'm willing to do some debugging work, but I =
don't have much of a good idea of what to try. How could I isolate if =
this is an epson-backend issue or a usb issue? Where would I go from =

Thanks in advance

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary =
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  Benjamin Franklin=20

Ricky Charlet    USA (408) 962-8711


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