
thanks for your answer,

It's right, the name of the scanner is  LEO LEOScan-S3.

Here are the output of  "SANE_DEBUG_LEO=255 scanimage -L":

[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of leo to 255.
[leo] sane_init
[leo] This is sane-leo version 1.0-9
[leo] (C) 2002 by Frank Zago
[leo] attach_scanner: /dev/sg0
[leo] leo_init: enter
[leo] leo_init: exit
[leo] attach_scanner: opening /dev/sg0
[leo] leo_identify_scanner: enter
[leo] device is "LEO" "LEOScan-S3" "1.10"
[leo] leo_identify_scanner: exit, device not supported
[leo] ERROR: attach_scanner: scanner-identification failed
[leo] leo_free: enter
[leo] leo_close: enter
[leo] leo_close: exit
[leo] leo_free: exit
[leo] sane_init: leave
[leo] sane_get_devices: enter
[leo] sane_get_devices: exit

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).
[leo] sane_exit: enter
[leo] sane_exit: exit

In the dll.conf I only uncomment the line with "leo".

When this is not a failure of sane, then it could only a problem with
the SCSI cable.


Henning Meier-Geinitz schrieb:

>On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 10:56:40PM +0100, axel dammers wrote:
>>I am trying to make my old SCSI scanner  Leo S3 work.
>>"sane-find-scanner" (as root) say's:
>>       found SCSI scanner 2LEO LEOScan-S3 1.10" at /dev/scanner
>>       found SCSI scanner 2LEO LEOScan-S3 1.10" at /dev/sg0
>Shouldn't this be a " instead of the 2?
>>"scanimage -d leo:/dev/scanner"  or "scanimage -d leo:/dev/sg0" say's
>>(as root):
>>      scanimage: open of device leo failed: Invalid argument
>Use "SANE_DEBUG_LEO=255 scanimage -L" to get debug output.
>>I am using sane-1.0.9-1 with SuSE8.1. This sane-Version should
>>supports the scanner.
>>Permissions on /dev/sg0:     640
>>Link:     /dev/scanner  -> /dev/sg0
>>The contents of /etc/sane.d/leo.conf:
>>    scsi ACROSS * Scanner * * * 0
>>   /dev/sg0
>The Leo backend seems to expect the vendor id "ACCROSS" and no "LEO".
>However in the source code, LEO is also detected, so it should work
>with the second line.
>>Why does scanimage not recognize my scanner and why can't I scan ?
>If you can't find out by looking at the debug log, post it here.
>>By the way, yast2 from SuSE-Linux don't know the LEO S3, only the
>>LEO FS-1130.
>Tell SuSE about that :-)
>leo is listed in dll.conf?
>  Henning
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