Due to problems with the ISP that was hosting my domain these pages have
probably been unavailable for at least the last week and remain so.

I have managed to wrestle one of my domains from this bunch of jokers
and you should now be able to find the pages at


As I am off abroad skiing, it will be sometime before the buzzard.org.uk
domain is sorted out and they can be viewed on their original page.

Even when it does I intend to make these the primary URL's for the
said pages so if you could update any URL's to these I would be grateful.
There is no major rush other than buzzard.org.uk is unreachable at the
moment) as I intend to keep the domain indefinitely.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                 Email: jonathan (at) buzzard.me.uk
Northumberland, United Kingdom.       Tel: +44 1661-832195

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