Jonathan Buzzard wrote:
> said:
> [SNIP]
>>I've asked multiple times for concrete proposals how the standard can
>>be changed or appended. Each time there hasn't been any response. With
>>"concrete proposals" I mean patches to SANE2 or at least the text of
>>the to-be-added well-known options.
>>If I remember correctly, we came to the conclusion that most proposed
>>features can be done by adding well-known options (like multi-pass,
>>selection of a specific range of images, auto/manual focus) and
>>providing the functionality in the backend. So please send proposals. 
> I did sit down and make a long list of things that I thought where missing
> from the SANE API for negative scanning and posted it to this list. I am
> not sufficiently  familiar with the SANE API to be qualified to make
> good proposals on how it should be extended, and it would take significant
> amounts of my time that I don't have to do so.
> It seems to me a far superior solution for those that know what is missing
> from the standard to point out what is missing and for those that have
> intimate knowledge of the standard to add those features in the way that
> best fits in with the standard.

It seems to me that if nothing happens on the SANE2 front (eg development), 
SANE2 will stay a mirage. A well documented illusion.
A lot of people have given some input, but if the proposal isn't implemented, 
why care?

Bigger projects like the linux kernel are changing everyday. Code gets in, code 
gets throwned out, the APIs change and break, but at the end of the day, there 
is something.

The SANE2 framework is enough to get started.


(this was not a rant, just a observation).

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