
> Oliver : I've sent you a copy of the log and a screen shot of what
> occurs.

it seems that the scanner somehow doesn't like the set_window command 
which is used to set the scanning area for previewing. 

Since normal scanning works I suspect that it's either the requested 
image size or the operation mode that causes problems. 

Please try to select a small scanning area in xsane and select 
"Preview" again, this should result in a preview of the selected 
area. If this works than it's most likely the default scan area that 
is not set correctly.

If selecting a smaller preview area still doesn't work you can try to 
play around with the operation_mode setting. It is set up in 
snapscan-scsi.c, around line 837, in the variable named "source". 
Bits 6 and 7 are the most likely suspects. The current value for 
preview is 0x80, you can try if any of the other three values gives 
better results.


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