Hi everyone,

There are currently 102 open bug reports for SANE. I'm quite sure that
some of them can be easily fixed.

If you are a SANE developer and have an account on alioth, please
logon on the alioth website. After login, you'll get a list with your
bug reports "My Assigned Items". These are the bug reports that have
been assigned to you. 

Please have a look at them. If you think they are bogus, write a short
comment and close them.

If you think it's a bug but not in your backend, write a short comment
and assign them to the "guilty" developer or "Nobody" if you don't
know which developer is the right one.

If it's a bug in your backend but it's not important decrease priority
and write a comment that you'll fix that later.

If there is not enough information, ask for more.

You'll get a mail once you have been assigned a bug and with every
change of that bug.

There are also quite some bugs that are not assigned to anyone because
they concern several backends or no backend at all. Please also have a
look at them.
Example: [ #300962 ] umax_pp & plustek: Harmonise option names

Also "normal" users are invited to add comments to the bug reports.
Maybe you have seen the same bug and can give more details? Or you
even know how to fix it? I recommend getting a login at alioth as
you'll be informed by mail when your bug is changed in this case. Also
you can attach files to bugs when you are logged in.

Happy bug-hunting!


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