
I guess this error is triggered by my powersaving code. Playing with
those gpios can (hard-)reset the scanner causing it to reconnect on usb.
Please try the attached patch(against patched experimental module).

Next time please send output with

Mathias Lang schrieb:
> Hi,
> Pierre Willenbrock wrote:
>> It is now ready to be extensively tested.
> i don't know if this is my lack of skills to set up the backend properly
> (tested it on my two boxes), but i get device I/O's with the genesys-cvs
> backend patched with the patch from Pierre's site: The device is first
> opened (the scan head moves a little back and forth) - then i get a
> device I/O.
> My apologies if this has nothing to do with the backend - just wanted to
> give some feedback (GENESYS and SANE_DEBUG_USB logs down...).
> Bye,
> Mathias

-------------- next part --------------
--- sane-backends-1.0.16/backend/genesys_gl841.c        2005-09-23 
21:07:01.963073000 +0200
+++ experimental/genesys/genesys_gl841.c        2005-09-27 18:48:46.735009250 
@@ -2991,36 +2991,6 @@
     if (enable)
-       if (dev->model->gpo_type == GPO_CANONLIDE35) 
-       {
-/* expect GPIO17 to be enabled, and GPIO9 to be disabled, 
-   while GPIO8 is disabled*/
-/* final state: GPIO8 disabled, GPIO9 enabled, GPIO17 disabled, 
-   GPIO18 disabled*/
-           sanei_genesys_read_register(dev, 0x6D, &val);
-           sanei_genesys_write_register(dev, 0x6D, val | 0x80);
-           usleep(1000);
-           /*enable GPIO9*/
-           sanei_genesys_read_register(dev, 0x6C, &val);
-           sanei_genesys_write_register(dev, 0x6C, val | 0x01);
-           /*disable GPO17*/
-           sanei_genesys_read_register(dev, 0x6B, &val);
-           sanei_genesys_write_register(dev, 0x6B, val & ~REG6B_GPO17);
-           /*disable GPO18*/
-           sanei_genesys_read_register(dev, 0x6B, &val);
-           sanei_genesys_write_register(dev, 0x6B, val & ~REG6B_GPO18);
-           usleep(1000);
-           sanei_genesys_read_register(dev, 0x6D, &val);
-           sanei_genesys_write_register(dev, 0x6D, val & ~0x80);
-       }
        gl841_set_fe (dev, AFE_POWER_SAVE);
From lauri.pirtti...@luukku.com  Tue Sep 27 18:15:25 2005
From: lauri.pirtti...@luukku.com (Lauri Pirttiaho)
Date: Tue Sep 27 18:15:34 2005
Subject: [sane-devel] USB recordings MD6190 available

Lauri Pirttiaho on Mon Sep 26 18:25:44 UTC 2005
>Bertrik Sikken on Sun Sep 25 20:35:55 UTC 2005
>>Lauri Pirttiaho wrote:
>>> -- value 0040 returns state of a state machine driven by ie1 as its
>>>    first byte and I suspect that state machine to be the motor control.
>>>    The second byte is port 1 bit 0 which I suspect to be he head home
>>>    detector. Additionally there are 3 more bytes of info (I con't
>>>    know the meaning of these yet), 0xAA and then 0's.
>>I noticed some increasing number at bytes 2 and 3 and suspect that
>>this is the current line number of the carriage.
>That, too, may be different from the CanoScan one...

Bytes 2 and 3 are a counter in ie1 handler. That counter is used
to trigger events in the state machine and it goes steadily up and
down in certain states interrupt-by-interrupt. I believe Bertrik's
interpretation is correct. Confirmation comes from checking the
trigger values against known parameters (e.g. in value 0030 command
-- the scan command).

With best regards,

Lauri Pirttiaho

Luukku Plus paketilla p??set eroon tila- ja turvallisuusongelmista.
Hanki Luukku Plus ja helpotat el?m??si. http://www.mtv3.fi/luukku

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