
On Tuesday 11 October 2005 20:39, Brian J Densmore wrote:

> I tend to agree with the previous poster, this will be a good thing.
> Not all proprietary drivers are crappy.  Secondly, it's a step in the right
> direction. Expanded support for Linux isn't a bad thing. The drivers are,
> as you have noted, likely to be tied to a particular kernel/lib version
> of Linux.
> The drivers are also likely to be written specifically to a limited
> number of
> distros. While this is not likely to be helpful to many, it may be a
> starting point
> from which FOSS TWAIN applications can be written. As far as point 4
> goes, there is
> nothing preventing anyone from having an alternate boot image for the
> older supported
> Linux version. At least then you'd be able to reboot to do your
> scanning. Were Canon to
> make a proprietary Linux driver for my 8400F (be still my heart), I'd
> download it
> in a flash.

Requiring booting the latest supported Linux kernel whatever is in nothing 
better than booting into Windows to use the scanner. Not something one would 
like to see in production environments.

> I welcome the day I can, buy a scanner and plug it in and have it work.
> I don't care
> if it is proprietary. As long as it works and doesn't trash my system.

Above you recognized yourself that after a year this "plug in and just works" 
is likely to require booting an old Linux flavour due to abondone scanenr 
drivers. The OSS community is doing a much better work maintaining drivers 
once written over a way longer lifespan.

> Maybe it's time
> someone works on making TWAIN applications for Linux?

Why? SANE is the OSS cross platform API for Unix, Unix-a-like or even OS/2. 
Why should anyone write a Linux application for an API that is not yet there, 
without any driver in sight?


Ren? Rebe - Rubensstr. 64 - 12157 Berlin (Europe / Germany)
            http://www.exactcode.de | http://www.t2-project.org
            +49 (0)30  255 897 45
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From jsm...@suse.de  Wed Oct 12 09:54:02 2005
From: jsm...@suse.de (Johannes Meixner)
Date: Wed Oct 12 09:54:09 2005
Subject: [sane-devel] TWAIN 2.0 targetting Linux
In-Reply-To: <200510121112.35865.r...@exactcode.de>
References: <200510101024.02176.r...@exactcode.de>
        <434c06cd.5060...@amason.net> <200510121112.35865.r...@exactcode.de>
Message-ID: <pine.lnx.4.58.0510121124450.17...@wotan.suse.de>


On Oct 12 11:12 Ren? Rebe wrote (shortened):
> > Maybe it's time
> > someone works on making TWAIN applications for Linux?
> Why? SANE is the OSS cross platform API for Unix, Unix-a-like
> or even OS/2. 

Of course, but...

> Why should anyone write a Linux application for an API that is
> not yet there, without any driver in sight?

...if manufacturers already have TWAIN applications (drivers,
frontends, whatever) for other operating systems, some of them
will prefer to somehow adapt their code to let it somehow work
with Linux - regardless how proprietary or architecture-specific
or insecure or ugly the code may be - so that they can package
a "Linux driver" into their scanner box.

By the way:
A few days ago I tested a proprietary printer driver from
a manufacturer for a low-level all-in-one device.
I set up a CUPS queue to print into a file but this nice
proprietary driver did't care how the queue was set up.
It simply spits out its printer specific binary stuff directly
on the first USB printer (a real good PostScript printer)
which printed tons of sheets with nonsense characters ;-)

Such proprietary crap will happen also for scanners.
And some of the users will complain on the SANE mailing lists
because they do not understand the difference.

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5      Mail: jsm...@suse.de
90409 Nuernberg, Germany                    WWW: http://www.suse.de/

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