the one option in arc photo studio that we definitely need is the auto-adjust 
something (not lamp, the second one), because the slides are all blurry with 
that option turned off. auto-remove dust is also good, but only in low mode. 
if you it turn too high it will just fubar the picture.

On Thursday 20 October 2005 17:04, Brian J Densmore wrote:
> Thirdly, most of the windows software with the better quality film
> scanning scanners has
> lots of enhancement capabilities built in, that clean up negatives as
> they are scanned in. While
> this can be done in Linux after scanning, it is not trivial. So even if
> you get a ?professional
> quality scanner that works in Linux, the quality of the raw scans will
> likely be less than
> an equivalent in Windows.

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