Hi *,
i'm having problems with the SJ 8250 and the avision backend.

all operations return "I/O error" (on different PCs with stable or cvs
sane versions)

I found in this ml archives, that commenting out the 3x3_matrix function
helped someone.

In fact, recompiling the cvs sane-backend with the change mentioned
above I can use the scanner (but it seems to work only at low
resolution), but the adf is not recognized.

Is there a way to make this scanner works?
(i won't use drivers from ftp.cyberbaladeur.fr because they aren't free)

Tnx in advance
Davide Corio                                   davide.co...@redomino.com
Redomino S.r.l.            C.so Monte Grappa 90/b - 10145 Torino - Italy
Tel: +39 011 19502871 - Fax: +39 011 19502871 - http://www.redomino.com/

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