On Sunday 07 May 2006 11:17, Peter Christy wrote:
> On Thursday 04 May 2006 14:40, Wittawat Yamwong wrote:

> > You should write the USBID as "4b8/11d/*". (No prepending '0') 


That was the answer! As soon as I removed the leading zeros, everything leapt 
into life properly! I have rebooted several times, and sane now always finds 
the scanner, no matter where it appears on the bus!

To summarise: I added the following line to my udev.rules (sorry about the 

# permissions for usb scanner
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ENV{PRODUCT}=="4b8/11d/*", 
RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/bin/chgrp scanner $env{DEVICE}; /bin/chmod 664 

Many thanks to all those who have contributed ideas, and particularly to 
Wittawat Yamwong for the solution!

Might be an idea to add this fix in the documentation somewhere?



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