Hi Julien,

On 29/04/07, Julien BLACHE wrote:
> "Hugh McMaster" wrote:
> >> > Here is some output from 'saned -d':
> >> > [saned] main: starting debug mode (level 2)
> >> > [saned] main: could not find `sane' service (Operation not permitted)
> >> > [saned] main: using default port 6566
> >> > [saned] saned from sane-backends 1.0.18 ready
> >> > [saned] check_host: access by remote host: my.ip.address.here
> >> > [saned] init: access granted to u...@my.ip.address.here
> >> > [saned] quit: exiting
> > When it says 'could not find 'sane' service', does this mean that the
> > path to the executable file is incorrect?
> No, it means that saned couldn't do a lookup in /etc/services to
> determine the port number associated to the saned-port
> service. Getting EPERM here is quite interesting.

I have fixed this issue, by adding the sane-port to /etc/services.
Now 'saned -d128' shows the port and allows remote access, but normal
'saned' just closes down as before.

Any ideas?


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