Hi Gerald,

On 21/06/07, Gerald Murray wrote:
> > /home/User/sane-backends/frontend/scanimage.c:291: undefined reference
> to `_md5_buffer'
> There should be two leading underscores before md5_buffer.
> This is resolved in the frontend/Makefile by "$(LIBLIB)"
> which links lib/liblib.a   Header is include/md5.h
> Perhaps the compiler/linker being used has a problem with
> two leading underscores?   Or not using the frontend/Makefile?

The output shows only one underscore.  If I manually add one
underscore to line 291 of scanimage.c, then the error output shows
[...]undefined reference to '__md5_buffer'[...]

${LIBLIB) is shown in frontend/Makefile, while the md5.h include is in


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