On 7/16/07, David Solomon <lorddavon at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think you are right.  I am trying some pragma pack statments to see
> if they will help.  I looked at some of the plustek_usb header changes
> and found that they used: "#define PACKED8  __attribute__
> ((packed,aligned(1)))" and "#define PACKED16 __attribute__
> ((packed,aligned(2)))" statements to pack the structures.  I may have
> to use these myself, but I am unsure where to add (possible in the
> sanei_usb_write_bulk?).
> Thank you for the help.  I am going to get up-to-my-elbows in code now.  ;-)

no- you want to add them to the command structs in avision.h


"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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