kent whitten schrieb:
> I'm trying to get this going, and could use any hints
> what the gpio pins might be used for.  This guy has
> lots more pins set for output, than any other genesys
> device.  I'm actually scanning, but getting nothing
> back but zeros, so I'm taking all 200 passes in
> calibrate_offsets, then getting a black page. All of
> my traces are caught on a CATC anaylzer, and there is
> another scanner here in pieces, if I can answer any
> questions.
> Thanks
> Kent

Hi Kent,

try to capture an usb log using a windows os. That should give the
correct gpio setup or setup sequence. At least the 35/50 needs a special
 gpio sequence to get the lamp etc. to work(else it would just reset
itself when trying to directly set the gpio pins..).

Assigning a meaning to a pin then is mostly guesswork, but can be sped
up by searching the pcb for the gpio wires. I could think of making a
single gpio pin continually change its output state and then searching
for it.

I collected some scripts from my efforts in getting the LiDE 35 to work

This one is not linked, but may be useful to you:
it is my stand-alone scanning test program.


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