Konstantin Svist <fry.kun at gmail.com> writes:

> Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
>> This model will be supported by the upcoming 2.10.0 release of iscan.
> Neat! Is there a schedule that would tell me approximately when 2.10.0 
> will be released?

I can't really give a date but we're aiming for first half of this

>> The epson backend seems to have trouble with a number of all-in-one
>> devices, AFAIK.  I have taken a look at it in the past, comparing to
>> the epkowa backend (part of iscan), but couldn't quite put my finger
>> on it.
>> FWIW, you can use the epkowa backend just fine with scanimage and
>> xsane.
> Is there a tutorial/howto or something to that effect, which would tell 
> me how to do this?
> I don't see an option in scanimage parameters where I can specify a 
> backend. Do I need to change the sane config file, instead?

All you have to do is install iscan and pick a device that mentions
the epkowa backend.  If you comment the epson backend out in dll.conf,
there is no need to pick one.

If you leave the epson backend enabled, XSane will show you a little
dialog where you can pick the device.  You'll see something like


Oh, BTW, the iscan packages are available from


and some distributions include it in their list of packages, openSUSE
for example.

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen             FLOSS Engineer -- EPSON AVASYS Corporation
FSF Associate Member #1962           sign up at http://member.fsf.org/
GnuPG key: 6BE37D90/AB6B 0D1F 99E7 1BF5 EB97  976A 16C7 F27D 6BE3 7D90
Penguin's lib!       -- I hack, therefore I am --               LPIC-2

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