m. allan noah wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2007 12:37 PM, Jonathan Buzzard <jonathan at buzzard.me.uk> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 08:40 -0500, m. allan noah wrote:
>>> On 12/18/07, Giuseppe Sacco <giuseppe at eppesuigoccas.homedns.org> wrote:
>>>> Il giorno mar, 18/12/2007 alle 12.00 +0000, Jonathan Buzzard ha scritto:
>>>>> On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 12:13 +0100, Giuseppe Sacco wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>>>> So, my questions: is there already any standard for those action? Is
>>>>>> there any defined rule for how to name a backend parameter like
>>>>>> "--frame-number"? Is there any way to know what feeder types are
>>>>>> available at a given time?
>>>>> Good grief, those feelings of d?ja vu. are pretty strong at the moment.
>>>>> The basics are that as it stands the SANE standard is heavily geared to
>>>>> transmission scanning on flatbed scanners. Understandable as it probably
>>>>> accounts for 99% of users requirements.
>>>> Is this problem "solved" with SANE2?
>>> would both of you please excuse my ignorance, as i primarily deal with
>>> ADF machines, but-
>>> why does the front-end need to be involved in the movement at all? can
>>> the backend not detect the additional slides and move the feeder
>>> automatically? perhaps i am not picturing the mechanism correctly...
>> Imagine I have just stuck an APS adaptor into my film scanner and loaded
>> up a 40 frame APS film. I wish to scan *one* frame which I happen to
>> know from the contact print I got when they where developed.
>> How without the front end telling the scanner which frame to advance to
>> and scan do you propose scanning this? From memory a TIFF image from an
>> APS frame on my scanner is about 30MB and takes about 1min over 400Mbps
>> Firewire. Scanning the lot is utterly impractical.
>> With 35mm film, I load the strip into a holder and insert the holder. I
>> want to scan just two frames from the possible six in the holder, and
>> they are frame 2 and 4. Oh and I want to scan 4 first so that it is not
>> sticking out the scanner with dust settling on it.
>> Does that illustrate the point?
> yes- though i did have to lookup what APS was :)
> the original question was what to name the SANE options that would
> control this mess, and i suppose what option type they should be.
> sounds almost like a comma-separated list:
> 4,2 or 4,2-1 if you wanted to skip #3. that sounds a bit like the
> gamma vector control that some backends use...

I would say more like selecting pages to print so 4,2 or 4,2,1 or 4-1 
for frames 4 through 1.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                 Email: jonathan (at) buzzard.me.uk
Northumberland, United Kingdom.       Tel: +44 1661-832195

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