Hi all,

On Wednesday 19 December 2007 19:17:12 m. allan noah wrote:
> On Dec 19, 2007 12:48 PM, Oliver Rauch <Oliver.Rauch at rauch-domain.de> 
> wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > As most of you know I am against the recent development of the SANE1
> > standard. We have an almost complete SANE2 standard and a good working
> > SANE1 standard. What is happening in the moment is the destruction of
> > all we have. This will end in a chaos.
> >
> > I don`t understand why nobody wants to start with SANE2. It will take a
> > weekend of work to create a SANE2 backend from an existing SANE1
> > backend. Because you don`t want to spend this time you destroy the SANE1
> > standard by creating a chaos.
> >
> > As you say 95% of the users are happy with SANE1. What you are doing now
> > is to make 95% of the users unhappy.
> >
> > When you will do what you are talking about in the moment then I will
> > have to think if I will spend any further time into the SANE project and
> > into xsane. I know if I would continue the work for xsane in this case
> > then I would have to spend 99% of my programming time to answer
> > questions about incompatibilities and problems with the new
> > "1.1-standard".
> >
> > In my opinion it is not fair to create so much problems for SANE1
> > because you don`t like to spend some days to create SANE2 backends from
> > the SANE1 backends.
> >
> > Please think about what you are doing.
> Oliver- The changes we discuss are minimal and are not the default
> output format for any backend. As such, they will not break existing
> front-ends until the user enables some option. Even then, they will
> only break a poorly written frontend. And so, it is my preference to
> place these changes right in sane 1.0.
> The idea to place them in sane 1.1 instead was purely a compromise to
> make YOU happy. But it seems that you are not interested in a simple
> upgrade path to help those remaining 5% of users, but instead want to
> tell us all to convert our backends and front-ends to SANE2.
> Please, meet us half-way, and stop using words like 'force' and
> 'chaos' in every discussion, and stop insisting that SANE2 is the only
> means to extend sane. That tactic has not worked for the past 5 years,
> and it does not work now.

I just wanted to let you know that I fully agree with your position Allan.

Happy xmas and a happy new year,


  Ren? Rebe - ExactCODE GmbH - Europe, Germany, Berlin
  http://exactcode.de | http://t2-project.org | http://rene.rebe.name

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