Volker Grabsch schrieb:
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 03:24:45PM +0100, Pierre Willenbrock wrote:
>> +  ,
>> +  /* CANONLIDE90 */
>> +  {
>> +/*
>> +00 :
>> +02 : image ?? la con et inverse video
>> +0a : image ?? la con et inverse video et moteur ne stoppe pas ?? la fin du 
>> scan
>> +0e : ne reconnait plus la position home
>> +10 : mieux toujours une ligne verticale ?? gauche et en inverse video
>> +12 : comme 10
>> +18 : comme 10
>> +1a : comme 10
>> +38 : image de tr??s bonne qualit?? mais ecras??e de 50% en largeur
>> +3a : comme 38
>> +3e : comme 0e
>> +3c : le moteur essaye en vain de tourner
>> +*/
> Why are these comments written in french instead of english?

These are from his original sources. I couldn't match the other two to 
the right values. The translation for these is somewhere in the mail 
archive, but i was too lazy to dig them out. I don't speak french, so 
i'd be grateful if someone translates the other two instances. On the 
other hand, it is probably better to put this info into the page of this 

> Greets,
>     Volker


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