On Feb 11, 2008 3:56 PM,  <gmurray at cloudnet.com> wrote:
> Quoting "m. allan noah" <kitno455 at gmail.com>:
> > can you paste the full url you downloaded from?
> >
> > allan
> I did not keep track of the url page for the first and second.  Pastes
> are for the file on the page.
> (results pasted)
> The very first:
> http://alioth.debian.org/frs/download.php/2319/sane-backends-1.0.19.tar.gz.md5
> The second:
> http://alioth.debian.org/frs/download.php/2319/sane-backends-1.0.19.tar.gz.md5
> I checked just now and got the correct result from
> http://alioth.debian.org/frs/?group_id=30186
> The actual file now is: (typed)
> http://alioth.org/frs/download.php/2320/sane-backends-1.0.19.tar.gz.md5
> The path to the file has changed or the download.php is giving a
> different path.
> It looks like all is OK now.  Thanks.

is there any chance you typo'd the url the first time? with gforge's
download.php, all that matters is the 4 digit number before the
filename. the filename could be anything. i've actually posted a bug
report with them for that reason.

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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