On Sun, 2008-06-29 at 14:33 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 15:42 +0200, Gerard Klaver wrote:
> > Let me know when you have something.
> Ok, the attached c file works with my scanner. I haven't tested it
> exhaustively yet, there are timing issues in general (grabbing the data
> too slowly or too quickly leads to badness and the need for resetting)
> and you have to edit the code to change the scan parameters, but it
> works for me in a few cases (colour/greyscale at 150 DPI).
> I'll do some more tweaking/testing, try to figure out some of the
> unknown bits in the protocol and the advanced stuff the Lexmark Windows
> app can do and make it a bit more robust with resetting the scanner to a
> good state in case of failure.
> To compile it with GCC you'll probably need to delete the first line,
> I've been using tcc to merge compile+run into just run.
> It needs libusb and libpng installed to compile/run and will write out
> lexmark_scanner.png to the current directory and a bunch of debugging
> output to stdout.
> Hopefully some SANE developer can help me turn it into a SANE backend.
> I'd also like to know if it is similar to any other scanners that are
> already supported and maybe an existing driver should be extended.
> I also wrote a short protocol document, not sure if that is useful to
> SANE developers or not though.

Maybe using copy of the lexmark backend naming it lexmark2 or copy from
logitech1 backend (see http://gkall.hobby.nl/logitech-pagescan-usb.html)
to lexmark2 backend??

A quick check on your file seems that there are not many commands needed
to do a scan, so pasting into a backend will be not so much work.

I can take a look how i can paste it in a copy of the logitech1 backend.

Gerard Klaver

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