i have quite a bit of omr experience, and have done a bit with rs232
in the past, but never scanners. do your logs show the actual data
being passed? if so, i think your first effort should be to extract
image from logs.


On 7/30/08, Dan Scott <danieljamesscott at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'm working on getting a RS232 scanner working on Linux. I see that
>  Sane has some support for serial port scanners but not much. The
>  scanner is attached to a POS system for retail sales and runs RHEL5.
>  Unfortunately, I have no documentation for the scanner, I'm not even
>  sure of the brand. There's a logo on the front which is 'G' followed
>  by a globe symbol, followed by 'T' so it could be 'GOT' or 'GT'. There
>  does not appear to be a model number although there is an
>  identification place which is written in Chinese.
>  I have a compiled diagnostic application (no source code) which can
>  control the scanner and I have tried logging the system calls using
>  the 'ltrace' command, so that I can figure out the protocol. I have
>  tried writing a program to mimic the diagnostic application which
>  sends the same commands to the serial port but the scanner does not
>  respond.
>  Does anyone have any expertise in RS232 scanner protocols? All my
>  searching on the web reveals results for barcode scanners which appear
>  to work very differently from image scanners.
>  As a final note, I am trying to use the scanner for OMR - the
>  diagnostic application returns an array of data relating to the marks
>  entered on a slip of paper - if that is any use. Also, I can attach
>  the log file of system calls made by the diagnostic application if
>  that will help anyone.
>  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>  Thanks,
>  Dan Scott
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