Hello Roland,

Roland Graf schrieb:
> Hello Pierre,
> I tried the testprog under root. I think in root I must have the permission 
> for the device. I controlled the the line 86 for the device and vendor ID. 
> The 
> vendor ID and the device ID are correct.
> Every time the same error: Device not found
> I have an other question. For thus I programmed in the past only under ATARI 
> ST 520 and Windows on programming environments and under Linux only some 
> shell-scripts or ebuilds is there under Linux the possibility to do a line by 
> line debugging like in Turbo Pascal or Visual Basic for applications? Can you 
> give me some hint?

For debugging under linux, the tool of choice is gdb. There are various
gui frontends, if you want something graphical.

> I had in past errors that my E-Mail didn't reach you directly. Please let me 
> know whether you read my mails from pierre at pirsoft.dnsalias.org or sane-
> devel at lists.alioth.debian.org?

Your e-mail is reaching me without problems(as a matter of fact, your
e-mail reached me twice, as should this answer, which is no problem). I
just tend to not answer until having something substantial to say, which
in turn can take some time. Or are you getting e-mail bounces? That
would be an entirely different problem.

> Last but not least I have a final question. Are you reachable maybe under IRC 
> or VoIP? In special cases we may contact us directly, if you agree.

No VoIP, and i usually don't use IRC, but i can dust my irc client off,
if needed.


> Am Sonntag 08 Februar 2009 16:49:12 schrieb Pierre Willenbrock:
>> Roland Graf schrieb:
>>> Hallo Pierre,
>>> the testprogram gives me only an:
>>> roland roland # /home/roland/Doku/G4010/testprog
>>> Fatal: Device not found!
>>> roland roland #
>>> With #lsusb I can see the scanner. I
>>> Best regards
>>> Roland
>> Hello Roland,
>> either my guess for your device-id was wrong(0x03f0:0x4505, see
>> usb_con.c:86), or you are lacking permissions to access the device.
>> Regards,
>>   Pierre

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