On 09-Mar-26, at 15:35, Louis Lagendijk wrote:

> Some googling on "Found a transaction...." results in a number of
> entries on USB errors.
> Are there more devices on the USB?


> If so, try removing them.

According to System Profiler, this 24" Intel iMac has seven USB buses  
(why so many?). Five appear to be strictly internal. One internal USB  
bus (is that like an ATM machine?) has the Bluetooth USB host  
controller on it. Another internal USB bus has the infrared receiver  
on it. From the logs I have already posted, it seems at least some of  
the other three internal buses have something on them, but nothing  
else is shown in System Profiler.

One external bus has my keyboard and mouse on it. The MX850 is  
connected to the other external bus, which has nothing else on it.

I can?t remove any of the internal stuff, and I need my keyboard and  
mouse connected.

> Try another USB cable,

On Sunday, I had the Canon software installed, and I was able to  
successfully scan using both the Canon software and Image Capture,  
using the MX850 connected via this USB cable to this USB port.

> try the device on another (non Mac) computer if possible.

Sorry, this is an all Mac household.

> I saw an answer from a guy at Apple that seems to suggest that this  
> is a
> pretty low level USB issue. Maybe try another USB port.

Tried that: no change.

Peter Schoenrank
mailto: peter at schoenrank.ca
phone: 250-655-6753

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