Le mardi 15 septembre 2009 17:10:43 Gigi Trezzi, vous avez ?crit :
> Hi,
> I have need of installing my IrisscanExpress2 on my OS fedora11, because
> it is a gift of my sons.
> How I can make in order to make to recognize it from linux?
>  Thanks


        there seems to have no support for your scanner in any release of SANE. 
However there was an experimental patch for the gt68xx backend to add support 
for it. You can have the details at

        So I think that if you want to have your scanner work you need to have 
SANE's source code, patch and compile it. If you want to do such the outline 
is to:
        - have a compiler installed (gcc package)
        - have the libusb installed with all needed include (often in a 
        - get sane-backends sources from 
http://www.sane-project.org/source.html and
                unpack them in some directory
        - patch the gt68xx.conf.in and gt68xx_devices.c files
        - configure and compile the sources
        - test it locally before installing in case of success
        When can provide you with more guidance if you need.


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