Hello all,

I already sent this message on the Avison list a few months ago, but
due to lack of response I'm hoping someone here can help me.

I've got an Avision AV220G. I'm trying to use the scanner under linux
(Kubuntu 9.04).

At first it was not recognised, but I've solved this problem by adding the text:

? ? <!-- Avision AV220-G -->
? ? <match key="usb.vendor_id" int="0x0638">
? ? ? <match key="usb.product_id" int="0x0a94">
? ? ? ? <append key="info.capabilities" type="strlist">scanner</append>
? ? ? ? <merge key="scanner.access_method" type="string">proprietary</merge>
? ? ? </match>
? ? </match>

to the file /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/10osvendor/20-libsane.fdi.

So now the scanner is recognised and I should be able to use it.

However it does not work OK. If I want to make a scan the first page
is "almost" scanned and then the scan-program hangs. After a minute or
so the scanner quickly ejects all the remaining pages and then the
motor of the feed keeps spinning until I turn the scanner off. I think
that this is some sort of "reset" in the scanner itself.

It does not matter if I use xsane, xscanimage or gscan2pdf: the result
is always the same.

I tried getting the sane-backend source (using git) and recompiling
the backend. The result is the same.

The test on http://www.exactcode.de/site/open_source/saneavision/feedback/
seems to work OK (see attachments), but is only tries 1 page instead
of a bunch.

I also tried to get a debug report using xscanimage, but I'm not sure
if I made that the right way (see attachment).

If I try to scan images on a Windows PC (with the Avision software)
the scanner will scan all the pages without problems.

Does anyone else has an AV220-G and does it work for you?

If I can help by supplying more information, please let me know what
you want to know (or what command to run etc).

Best regards,
Jeroen Eeuwes
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