Dear all,

I am pleased to announce that a new release of Image Scan! for Linux has been 
made available on my employer's website. The release announcement can be found 

Here is the relevant bit of the NEWS file for iscan-2.24.0:

  * adds support for the following devices:
    - PX-602F
  * adds an Image Scan! for Linux menu entry to RPM based distributions
  * fixes a problem with some plugin based devices that refuse to power
    off after using Image Scan! for Linux
  * improves automatic device setup on systems using udev

Attached are changes to epkowa.desc (against the git snapshot of 2010-02-21).

If someone with commit privileges could add these changes, I would be grateful.

Happy scanning,
Alesh Slovak                    Linux Team -- AVASYS Corporation
alesh.slovak at
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