The easy thing I can suggest is to try compiling with
"--enable-pthread".  I recall a past discussion related to libusb and
that sometimes causing it to work better.

If that doesn't fix things for you then your going to have to debug
this yourself.  I do not think there are any active Solaris developers
on the mailing list.  See "man san", "man sane-usb", and "man
sane-<backend>" (replace <backend> with real name) for information on
what environment variables you can see to enable debug output.


On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 2:13 AM, Patrick Simmons
<linuxrocks123 at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to get SANE 1.0.20 working with a Canon MP210 USB scanner on
> Solaris/SPARC. ?I'm using the latest Solaris 10 build. ?However, I can't get
> it to scan. ?When I do scanimage -L, my scanner is shown correctly after a
> moderately long delay, but scanimage just hangs forever when I try to use it
> to scan. ?scanimage will also hang forever when run with the --help option,
> after printing out the help text. ?It's as if it's trying to print the
> scanner name but ran into trouble.
> I've followed README.Solaris to the letter, except that I also changed an
> include path in the Makefile from "-I/usr/local/include" to "-I/usr/include"
> because the md5.h in /usr/local/include won't compile on my machine for some
> reason. ?I experience the same behavior with the latest GIT snapshot. ?The
> same behavior happens whether I am root or a user. ?I have verified that the
> scanimage works with SANE 1.0.20 on Linux/AMD64; in addition, I until
> recently ran Linux/SPARC on the Solaris 10 machine. ?scanimage worked there
> with a development snapshot of SANE calling itself "SANE 1.1.0".
> Does anyone know what could be wrong?
> Thanks,
> --Patrick

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