On Sun, 3 Jan 2010 14:01:15 +0100
Rainer Dorsch <rdorsch at web.de> wrote:

> I was not aware that there is an epson2 backend, thanks for pointing that 
> out. 
> You are right, twelve pixels rows are missing in the final result compared to 
> the epson2 backend prediction. I try to play with the y parameter this 
> afternoon. I would be surprised though if that would be the problem since the 
> 300 dpi scan does work.

 Maybe there's an unspotted error somewhere, the perfection
610 is a tricky scanner and there are some sections of the driver
dedicated to its handling.

 However, I was unable to test it personally since I do not
own such a scanner.

 If you search for "color shuffle" in the code you'll see
that the scan area gets modified for the 610 because the color
shuffling algorithm will eat some data.

 For such a scanner, I'd suggest to scan a bigger area
and then refine by software.


 Best regards,

 Alessandro Zummo,
  Tower Technologies - Torino, Italy


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