>> Thanks for the samples. I've never seen this particular problem before. I'll
>> have to take a crack at seeing if I can reproduce this to make 100% sure
>> it's not an issue with your hardware. You'll have to hang tight before I can
>> find an Artisan 710 and some free time to investigate.

I couldn't get hold of an Artisan 710, so I instead used an Artisan 700 as you 
mentioned that the problem affected this scanner as well.

I tried scanning with scanimage at 75, 150 and 300 dpi both with the latest 
development version of iscan and with iscan 2.21. Unfortunately, I was unable 
reproduce the problem seen in the sample image you sent me.

At this point I honestly don't know what the problem could be. A faulty USB 
cable perhaps? Just grasping at straws here. I am going to ask around a bit 
to see if anyone else has seen this phenomenon before. I'll let you know if I 
dig anything up, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

One more thing you could try is a different distro. You could try downloading 
Ubuntu 10.04, run it as a live cd and download and install the latest 
iscan/epkowa package found here (you have to select your scanner and fill in 
short questionnaire):

Again, grasping at straws.

Happy scanning,
Alesh Slovak                    Linux Team -- AVASYS Corporation
alesh.slovak at avasys.jp          http://avasys.jp

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