Le dimanche 04 juillet 2010 ? 23:14 +0200, Guenther Hutzl a ?crit :
> On 07/04/2010 08:32 PM, Nicolas Martin wrote:
> > As far as I understand, you are using your scanner with Ethernet or Wifi
> > connection. And it tries to communicate with an IP address, but in
> > message, we can read both:
> >
> > Failed to open device 'pixma:MX350_192.167.1.88': Invalid argument.
> >
> >   
> Sorry, I think this was actually a typo in my post. I had to manually
> type the error message because it was in a popup requestor and no text
> that I could cut and paste. It should rather read
> Anyhow the sanner seems to work reliably as long as I don't use the adf.
> When using the adf sometimes the printer is not accessible any more and
> I have to disconnect it from the power and reconnect. I think you can
> commit the code to the repository as you suggested already. I will try
> to create some usb trace soon. Probably you see something from a trace
> of a scan via the adf that would help resolve the final problems.
> Thank you.
> G?nther.

Current state of code for MX350 is now committed.

What would help to understand the issue with adf would be to have logs
of the pixma backend in both situations, no issue, and when the issue

To get a scan log, use the following commands when you are to run your
frontend program:

$ export SANE_DEBUG_PIXMA=11
$ <frontend>  2>  scanimage.log

Where <frontend> is the actual frontend scanning program you are using.

You should get a scanimage.log file (text file) that contains the
backend logs.

BTW, could you give some precisions when you experience this issue:

- how many pages in adf ?
- do all pages in adf get scanned correctly, and then, printer gets
disabled ?
- Only the printer gets unaccessible, or also the scanner ?
- Is there any message or status shown on the MX350 display ? 


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