This scanner is not currently supported by sane. However, in March
there was a discussion about this scanner, which implied that it uses
a Genesys Logic GL847 chipset. Stef has recently added support for
this chipset to the sane-genesys backend. So, it may be possible to
make the modifications required to support this machine, if you use a
current git snapshot of sane-backends. Perhaps you and Catalin David
can work together, with some advice from stef?


On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 5:09 AM, Denis Jallat <jallat at> wrote:
> hello,
> I have a canoscan 5600F scanner, I installed Ubuntu version 10.04, but my
> scanner does'nt work and I watch on your website without success. Is there a
> solution to install it under Ubunntu? thank you. DJ
> excuse my english
> --
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