On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 8:34 PM, Al Bogner <sane at ml093.pinguin.uni.cc> wrote:
> Am Di, 08 Jun 2010 12:58:49 CEST schrieb m. allan noah:
> Hi Allen,
>> Al- you would need to get a USB sniffer log of the machine making a
>> low resolution scan of a small area, and send a compressed copy of
>> that log to this list. Someone here (Gernot, Nicolas) should be able
>> to quickly determine if it uses the same protocol.

Hi, quick message only: 9000F is working, only needs 9600dpi
resolution in TPU mode implemented correctly, other than that all
resolutions work. Code will be sent for checking & committing as soon
as final checks are done. Cannot give estimate before available from
CVS but in 1 week I should be able to supply test code to interested
parties who do not want to wait.

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