No problem. Be aware that you have to call the value of the option at
least once every 3 seconds, because the scanner only reports the value
of the press for that long.

Also- all of the sensor values are pulled from the scanner at the same
time, and cached until you call for them. However, the cache is
cleared when you ask for a sensor a second time. So, you can lose
button presses if you check the values in weird orders.

If you are able to get the presses via saned, you can get them locally
from libsane too.


On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 12:57 PM, Mikael Nordenberg <mikael at> wrote:
> Thanks for the prompt reply.
> It was my error that it didn't respond correctly, and I got it working with
> saned using the network protocol.
> Works fine now and on my way to make my scanner more useful! :-)
> /Mikael
>> > Is this model not supported when detecting buttons, or am I doing
>> > something
>> > completely wrong?
>> Fortunately, it's the latter. Scanimage is not smart enough to monitor
>> the buttons exposed by the driver and perform an action when they are
>> pressed. Instead, you need a daemon which does this. There are a
>> couple of them in our old 'experimental' cvs tree, but they are not
>> widely used. One of these days someone will come forward with enough
>> time to make one of these a more permanent addition to the
>> sane-backends package.
>> allan
>> --
>> "The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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