Le Sunday 16 January 2011 16:33:26 Yury Tarasievich, vous avez ?crit :
> Could someone please give some advice on
> scanners in genesys backend?
> I own a Plustek OpticPro ST28, and so, for it to
> work in SANE, I would have to program GL841
> ASIC, L6219 motor controller, Sony ILX 569 CCD
> and WM8196 digitizer (this latter I'm unsure of
> and would have to re-check).
> I'd like to have some model for my work on ST28.
> Are there any GL84* scanners in genesys backend,
> which use this motor controller and already work
> (or at least move the caret correctly)?
> In my previous attempts, I was able to either
> lock the caret (and so had to open the scanner
> and unlock), or to move the caret by very small
> steps.
> Yury
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        this level of detail on hardware isn't known on the gl841 supported 
models. For now there is only one CCD gl841 device supported, the plustek 
Opticbook 3600. All information needed by the genesys backend for a model is 
in the genesys_devices.c file.


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