I have configured SANE built from MacPorts (sane-backends
@1.0.22_0+universal) for the Visioneer OneTouch 7400 scanner, similarly to
what's mentioned in [sane-devel] How to get Visioneer Onetouch 7400 working,
but the result is somewhat strange:  all color scans have a reddish hue, and
various adjustments in xsane don't help.  I have an example scan[1]
(including the calibration area as discussed in debugging the GT68xx
backend) and verbose (255) log[2], but don't really know what's going on in
there.  The same scanner works fine under Windows with the vendor driver
(aside from the bundled software being a bit cr*p...).  Suggestions?

[1] http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~allbery/scantest.ppm.gz (89M!  seems large for
[2] http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~allbery/scanimage.gt68xx.log.gz (15K)

Both files generated by the command:
scanimage -d gt68xx:libusb:036:005 -p -B --mode Color --depth 12
--resolution=1200 --full-scan=yes --coarse-calibration=no --quality-cal=no
-y 35

brandon s allbery                                      allbery.b at gmail.com
wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
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