
I promise I'll post to confirm when it'll work. Problem is I'm a Linux 
newbie so I'm slow as I discover a lot of things :-). scanbd is the 
first program I compile (stop laughing please). For now I can confirm I 
patched scanbd to add a scanbuttond backend specific to the Espon v200 
(because as far as I know epkowa backend won't allow me to manage the 
buttons of this scanner), I run it using xinetd, the 4 functions are 
discovered so I'll make my scripts. After that, I'll try to make sure 
saned is ok and better understand some parts of your doc to be sure 
everything is OK. Such as for example the part "If scanbd is running on 
a desktop machine..." which is obscure to me ;-)

I'm glad to have scanbd as it seems it will end the fight between saned 
and scanbuttond. Thanks for it !



Le 09/02/2012 12:33, Wilhelm a ?crit :
>> In the meantime I'll return to scanbd as I'm about to succeed having all
>> the 4 buttons working now :-)
> Are there any issues regarding scanbd?
> Regards,
> Wilhelm

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