Rudi- thanks for the reminder. I committed your patches last week, but
I've been so busy I forgot to say so. Thanks again!


On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Ruediger Meier <sweet_f_a at> wrote:
> On Thursday 19 July 2012, m. allan noah wrote:
>> There is quite a bit of updated code (and many months) since our last
>> release. In particular, there have been some bug fixes to regressions
>> in a couple backends, and some major additions to others (genesys,
>> pixma, fujitsu, etc). Seems like it is time for a release.
>> Timetable:
>> Jul 29, 2012: Feature freeze (only bugs + documentation updates)
>> Aug 5, 2012: Code freeze (only horrible bugs + documentation updates)
>> Aug 12, 2012: Release
>> Speak up now if this timetable needs to change.
> As I've mentioned several times on this list sane-config is still
> completely broken. IMO it would be a pity if you release it in current
> state. Please consider the fix I've sent to the list some time ago
> cu,
> Rudi
> --
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