On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 7:10 PM, Joel Webster <j.n.webster at gmail.com> wrote:
> I only have the one eth interface being used on the server, but since I have
> the cable plugged into the third port, it comes up as eth2 instead of eth0.
> Ok, so here is the client's relevant ifconfig info:
> wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:19:7e:57:45:35
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

Your network seems to be

> Here is /etc/sane.d/net.conf from the server:
> # This is the net backend config file.


> And here is /etc/sane.d/saned.conf from the server:
> # saned.conf
> # Configuration for the saned daemon
> ## Daemon options
> # Port range for the data connection. Choose a range inside [1024 - 65535].
> # Avoid specifying too large a range, for performance reasons.
> #
> # ONLY use this if your saned server is sitting behind a firewall. If your
> # firewall is a Linux machine, we strongly recommend using the
> # Netfilter nf_conntrack_sane connection tracking module instead.
> #
> data_portrange = 10000 - 10100
> ## Access list
> localhost

Shouldn't this be ? or a specific client machine?

Also, if you are using Ubuntu I have found that you have to log-on
with a user that has access privileges to the scanner. I have never
tried to figure that one out but I can tell you for sure that you need
to log-in at least once before saned works. I use network scanning all
the time and the first thing In do is log in as a user that has
scanner rights. It must be some weird HAL/Udev/libusb weirdness,


Alejandro Imass

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