On Fri, 2013-01-11 at 08:38 -0500, Michael Watson wrote:
> Louis,
> Thank you.
> When I posted the integration tweaks the service complained on startup as
> simple with a dbus name.  This was solved with changing the type to dbus.  I
> have since settled on type simple and no dbus name, and it's working fine
> with no complaining.  
> FYI startup and shutdown:
> /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/99-local.rules
> ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="04a9", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="190a", ACTION=="add",
> RUN+="/usr/bin/systemctl start scanbd"
> ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/usr/bin/systemctl stop s$
> Had to snoop the messages (udevadm monitor --property) for "remove" to sense
> removal properly.
This is a very nice add-on. I will have a look at it to see if this
would work for me to. I will add it to the systemd integration directory

> At the time I though scanbm.socket had to be enabled to listen.  I was
> wrong.  I've since removed the install section and it works fine.  When
> working though this I found out xinetd was no longer necessary (see below
> root vs saned).  Archlinuxarm supports socket activation.
ok, good to see that there is consistency over different platforms and
systemd versions. Thanks for the report
> In summary,
>       scanbd.service startup and shutdown with udev rules (scanbd.service
> not enabled)
Sounds pretty good.
>       scanbm.socket enabled
>       monitoring:             saned Ssl /usr/local/sbin/scanbd -f
>       net scan:               saned Ssl /usr/local/sbin/scanbd -f
>                               root  Ss  /usr/local/sbin/scanbm
>                               root  Ss  saned
>       scan by button: saned Ssl /usr/local/sbin/scanbd -f
>                               root  S   /bin/bash
> /usr/local/etc/scanbd/ccp2pdf.script
>                               root  S   scanimage --device-name
Looks ok.

> genesys:libusb:001:008 --resolution ...
>       xinetd started (e.g. udev rule) and scanbm.socket disabled
>       monitoring:             saned Ssl /usr/local/sbin/scanbd -f
>                               root  Ss  /usr/sbin/xinetd -dontfork
>       net scan:               saned Ssl /usr/local/sbin/scanbd -f
>                               root  Ss  /usr/sbin/xinetd -dontfork
>                               saned Ss  scanbm
>                               saned Ss  saned
>       scan by button: saned Ssl /usr/local/sbin/scanbd -f
>                               root  Ss  /usr/sbin/xinetd -dontfork
>                               root  S   /bin/bash
I am not sure I understand this part: what do you use xinetd for? For
scanbd it is not used at all, right? Is xinetd started by dbus on
scanner detection? 
/systemd scanbm.socket does all you need for starting scanbm/saned for

> /usr/local/etc/scanbd/ccp2pdf.script
>                               root  S   scanimage --device-name
> genesys:libusb:001:008 --resolution ...
> With xinetd scanbm and saned run as user saned when scanning via network.
scanbd runs as the usert set in scanbd.conf, I need to check how this
works for scanbm right now. I will check later this weekend, but I guess
that User and Group are missing in scanbm at .service. My bad. I will
investigate this a bit further and update the examples in the svn
Kind regards,

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