
On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Stef <stef.dev at free.fr> wrote:
>     I have downloaded and decoded the log. I can confirm it is a genesys

Thanks, much appreciated.

> based device. However since the chip used can only do 2400 dpi max, I expect
> some hardware trick if this scanner can reach the 7200 hardware resolution.
>     Another thing is that used SCANMOD is tagged 'RESERVED' in GL842
> datasheet. So I expect it will be different from other supported scanners
> that don't use this SCANMOD
>     So since it is no close enough to other devices I have, I cannot add
> support for this model without having the real hardware.

Understood. This scanner is already replaced with a newer model (the
8200) here in Norway at least.
Where in the world are you located?

There is one 7600i available at eBay:
But USD 229.- plus shipping is a bit much for me to cover by myself.
Perhaps if a few more persons were interested in getting this scanner
supported, we (the interested persons) could split the cost?

Just a thought.
Torfinn Ingolfsen

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