Thorsten M?ller wrote:

> Am Montag, 24. M?rz 2014, 09:17:46 schrieb Dominik Kopp:
> You will need somthing like scanbd:
> AFAIK this is not included in any distro repositories, so you have to
> build it for yourself.
> I wrote a script and modified the configuration of scanbd to use this
> script with my LiDE 210. The files are attached - the genesys.conf goes
> into the scanner.d subdirectory under <PATH>/etc/scanbd. The scanbd.conf
> file replaces the one shipped with the sources. The autopdf script goes
> into the <PATH>/etc/scanbd directory. It makes use of consolekit to get
> the user name who started the scanning process and KDE's kdialog to get
> file names for saving scanned pages and the like. Since you mentioned
> gscan2pdf, you probably use gnome. You could try to modify the script
> into using zenity. The autopdf config file goes into your home dir as
> .autopdf or into /etc/default/ which is the location for default
> settings on debian systems.
> Greetings
> Skildron

Thanks. I'm also using KDE. gscan2pfd is just a nice scanning application.
Some month ago I tried to install and configure scandb for my old scanner, 
but I didn't accomplish the mission.

In most cases it would be totally fine for me to start the scanning programm 
(skanlite, gscan2pdf, xsane,...), configure it (b/w or colour, resolution, 
file name...) and then scan several pages by using the scanner's button.
I don't need the power of scandb.

I'm just questioning whether xsane (or gscan2pdf, or skanlite) can react on 
a pressed buttons or not. 
To put it in a nutshell: Is it a problem before or behind the keyboard?


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