Am 19.11.2017 um 09:14 schrieb Olaf Meeuwissen:

I read through the bug report you mentioned below and think the whole
thing sucks.  Ubuntu has made a *huge* judgement error pulling an
*experimental* package for their upcoming release just to get a newer
version of the SANE backends upstream.  A lot of scanners supported by
third party scanner break for no good reason.
Reverting this decision would definitely be the best solution.

But who knows (I'm not affiliated to ubuntu in any way, I'm only using
it). In that case it's good to have workarounds to overcome the limitations.

Thanks to another user we got now Brother brscan4 based scanners working
too (by using an unconventional approach) with relevant scanning apps
(Xsane, scanimage, simple-scan, scantopdf)and as user.

Summary of all workarounds:


Klaus Staedtler

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