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Today's Topics:

   1. Visit my Netlog profile (D. Ramakrishnan)
   2. question for sanskrit list (Tom McCormick)
   3. where is this shloka from? (Phillip Ernest)
   4. Re: where is this shloka from? (Daniel Mohanpersad)
   5. Re: where is this shloka from? (Phillip Ernest)
   6. Michael Jackson tasya zokacaturtham (Phillip Ernest)
   7. Adi Shankaracharya  Movie on google video(in sanskrit)
      (Shobha Saraiya)
   8. Dictionary Recommendaions (Dan Spragens)
   9. Re: Dictionary Recommendaions (Mihir Sanghavi)
  10. A troublesome shloka in Yoga Vasishtha y3055 (jiva das)
  11. Re: A troublesome shloka in Yoga Vasishtha y3055 (Suryansu Ray)
  12. Re: A troublesome shloka in Yoga Vasishtha y3055
      (Krishnanand Mankikar)


Message: 1
Date: Tue,  7 Jul 2009 10:15:35 -0600 (MDT)
From: D. Ramakrishnan <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Visit my Netlog profile
To: <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I have created a Netlog profile with my pictures, videos, blogs and events and 
I want to add you as a friend so you can see it. You first need to register on 
Netlog! When you log in, you can create your own profile.

Take a look:


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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 12:50:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom McCormick <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] question for sanskrit list
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Can someone tell me the etymology of the word KARMADHAARAYA?

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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2009 22:15:57 +0900
From: Phillip Ernest <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] where is this shloka from?
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=ISO-8859-1;     DelSp="Yes";

Dear group, a recent book quotes what it calls a "Sanskrit saying" as  
its epigraph; from its form it is obviously a shloka, and I wonder if  
anyone knows which text it occurs in.  Even in translation it's very  
powerful; I need to know the original.

"When you were born, you cried while others laughed.  Live life in  
such a way that, when you die, you laugh while others cry."


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 23:00:39 +0200
From: Daniel Mohanpersad <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] where is this shloka from?
To: <>
Message-ID: <bay135-w7362a3e1de928e05bf452bb...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

It's from a Hindi verse of sant kabir. 

Kabira, jab ham
paida hue, Jag hase ham roye.

Aisi karani kar
chalo, Ham hase jag roye

Daniel Mohanpersad 

> Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 22:15:57 +0900
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Sanskrit] where is this shloka from?
> Dear group, a recent book quotes what it calls a "Sanskrit saying" as  
> its epigraph; from its form it is obviously a shloka, and I wonder if  
> anyone knows which text it occurs in.  Even in translation it's very  
> powerful; I need to know the original.
> "When you were born, you cried while others laughed.  Live life in  
> such a way that, when you die, you laugh while others cry."
> _______________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
> and follow instructions.

Haal meer uit je leven met Windows Live
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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 12:48:21 +0900
From: Phillip Ernest <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] where is this shloka from?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=ISO-8859-1;     DelSp="Yes";

Quoting Daniel Mohanpersad <>:

> It's from a Hindi verse of sant kabir.
> Kabira, jab ham
> paida hue, Jag hase ham roye.
> Aisi karani kar
> chalo, Ham hase jag roye

Thanks for this.  My wife tells me that there's a similar mhan or  
verse in Marathi.  It makes me wonder, me and another sanskritist  
friend, if there might not be an earlier Sanskrit verse that the two  
go relate to.


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 22:30:11 +0900
From: Phillip Ernest <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Michael Jackson tasya zokacaturtham
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=ISO-8859-1;     DelSp="Yes";


Message: 7
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 09:49:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Shobha Saraiya <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Adi Shankaracharya  Movie on google video(in
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Namaste all,
this might be of interest.? Movie about Adi Shankarcharya in Sanskrit.
It it beautiful.?
Hari Om

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Message: 8
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 15:38:55 -0600
From: Dan Spragens <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Dictionary Recommendaions
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

I'm just taking up the study of Sanskrit and I wonder what the members
of this list would suggest as a good dictionary? Is there something for
Sanskrit in the mold of the Oxford Latin Dictionary?



Message: 9
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 18:06:26 -0400
From: Mihir Sanghavi <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Dictionary Recommendaions
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

monier williams is the best and most comprehensive dictionary till
date, and apte's is rated number 2. both are available online. also, has also been a great resource for me, and it is
totally online and is continually added to by users like us.


mihir sanghavi

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Dan Spragens<> wrote:
> I'm just taking up the study of Sanskrit and I wonder what the members
> of this list would suggest as a good dictionary? Is there something for
> Sanskrit in the mold of the Oxford Latin Dictionary?
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Dan
> _______________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
> and follow instructions.

Mihir M Sanghavi


Message: 10
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 01:56:07 -0400
From: jiva das <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] A troublesome shloka in Yoga Vasishtha y3055
Cc: yoga vasishtha <>,
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

*I have a problem with Yoga Vasishtha 3.55.72, which can be seen in my notes
below. *
*   In two of the three editions that I employ, <yAvasteyena> is followed by
a question mark. The commentary of Anandabodhendra takes no account of this,
and I am not able to make any sense of it. *
*   If any reader has a clue, please let me know. *
* jd*

This is the text-----which involves the goddess Sarasvati travelling through
space with Queen Lila <lIlA>, in search of her dead husband. The Goddess is
speaking of their space-journey together.


????????? ?????? ?????????? (?) ???????

???????????????????????? ?? ?????????????????

*mArgeNa ^eva manena ^eva yAvasteyena [?] saMmatam | *

*paraspara^icchA-vicchittir na hi sauhArda-bandhanI ||72|| *


mArgeNa evam anena eva ?

*Thus concerning this route ? *

*yAvasteyena [?] ? *

Both KG and VLM have this (?) ? ???

saMmatam -

*agreeing ? *

paraspara-icchA-vicchitti-H ?

*mutual-wish-separation ? *

na hi sauhArda-bandhanI ?

*not at-all the bonds of friendship. *

yA avasteya



* *


*# saMmata, sammata* *??mw -* *adj*. - thinking together, being of the same
opinion, consented or assented to, approved by (tasya or comp.); (in
comp.)agreeing with; considered or regarded as
(tat); thought highly of, renowned, highly honoured by (tasya); allowed,
authorized (see <asammata>); ? *saMmatam *- opinion, impression (saMmate,
saMmatena with tasya, "in the opinion of", "under the idea of"); consent,
approval, acquiescence, concurrence (saMmate, "with the consent or approval
of") ?

*# vicchitti *??a ? ??????????? f. 1 (a) Cutting off or asunder, tearing
off; ? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ?????-*???????????* Bh.3.11. (b) Breaking
off, fracture. -2 Dividing, separating. -3 Disappearance, absence, loss,
wanting; *??????????*??????????? ????? ?i.16.84. -4 Cessation. -5 Colouring
the body with paints and unguents, painting colours, rouge; *??????????-*?????
?????????????? ?.7.5; ?i.16.84. -6 Limit, boundary (of a house &c.) -7 A
pause in a verse, c?sura. -8 A particular kind of amorous gesture,
consisting in carelessness in dress and decoration (through pride of
personal beauty); ?????????????????? *???????????* ????????????? S.D.138. ?

*# bandhana **??mw -* a.-I ? binding, tying, fettering; captivating (with
tasya or end-comp.; cf. <bhAva?b?.>); holding fast, stopping;
(end-comp.)dependent on; -
*bandhanam* ? the act of binding, tying, fastening, fettering mn.; (also
<bhAvI> f.) a bond, tie (also fig.), rope, cord, tether (in comp. with f. -A
= bound to or fettered by); binding on or round, clasping; binding up...,
detention, custody, imprisonment or a prison mn.; building, construction;
embanking or an embankment; bridging over; ...; joining, ... coherence;
fixing upon, directing towards (tasmin); checking, suppressing; (in phil.)
mundane bondage (opp. to final liberation). ?

santoSaH paramo lAbhaH satsaGgaH paramA gatiH |
vicAraH paramaM jJAnaM zamo hi paramaM sukham ||

??????? ???? ???? ???????? ???? ?????
?????? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??????
Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course,
Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment.
                            -- Yoga Vasishtha
Selections from an ongoing translation  can be had at:
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Message: 11
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 10:28:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Suryansu Ray <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] A troublesome shloka in Yoga Vasishtha y3055
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

My Dear JD, 
If we break yAvasteyena as yau asteyena, can we make any sense out of this 
sloka? The pronoun yau in dual number might be referring to some noun in dual 
that has preceded this sloka. Please check the text. I shall then try other 
alternatives to crack this nut. 
With best wishes, 
Dr. Suryansu Ray, New Delhi, India.

--- On Sat, 7/11/09, jiva das <> wrote:

From: jiva das <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] A troublesome shloka in Yoga Vasishtha y3055
Cc: "yoga vasishtha" <>,
Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 11:26 AM

I have a problem with Yoga Vasishtha 3.55.72, which can be seen in my notes 
?? In two of the three editions that I employ, <yAvasteyena> is followed by a 
question mark. The commentary of Anandabodhendra takes no account of this, and 
I am not able to make any sense of it. 
?? If any reader has a clue, please let me know. 
This is the text-----which involves the goddess Sarasvati travelling through 
space with Queen Lila <lIlA>, in search of her dead husband. The Goddess is 
speaking of their space-journey together.

????????? ?????? ?????????? (?) ??????? 
???????????????????????? ?? ????????????????? 
mArgeNa ^eva manena ^eva yAvasteyena [?] saMmatam | 
paraspara^icchA-vicchittir na hi sauhArda-bandhanI ||72|| 
mArgeNa evam anena eva ? 
Thus concerning this route ? 
yAvasteyena [?] ? 
Both KG and VLM have this (?) ? ??? 
saMmatam - 
agreeing ? 
paraspara-icchA-vicchitti-H ? 
mutual-wish-separation ? 
na hi sauhArda-bandhanI ? 
not at-all the bonds of friendship. 
yA avasteya 
# saMmata, sammata ??mw - adj. - thinking together, being of the same opinion, 
consented or assented to, approved by (tasya or comp.); (in comp.) agreeing 
with; considered or regarded as (tat); thought highly of, renowned, highly 
honoured by (tasya); allowed, authorized (see <asammata>); ? saMmatam - 
opinion, impression (saMmate, saMmatena with tasya, "in the opinion of", "under 
the idea of"); consent, approval, acquiescence, concurrence (saMmate, "with the 
consent or approval of") ? 
# vicchitti ??a ? ??????????? f. 1 (a) Cutting off or asunder, tearing off; ? 
?????? ??????????? ??????? ?????-??????????? Bh.3.11. (b) Breaking off, 
fracture. -2 Dividing, separating. -3 Disappearance, absence, loss, wanting; 
????????????????????? ????? ?i.16.84. -4 Cessation. -5 Colouring the body with 
paints and unguents, painting colours, rouge; ??????????-????? ?????????????? 
?.7.5; ?i.16.84. -6 Limit, boundary (of a house &c.) -7 A pause in a verse, 
c?sura. -8 A particular kind of amorous gesture, consisting in carelessness in 
dress and decoration (through pride of personal beauty); ?????????????????? 
??????????? ????????????? S.D.138. ? 
# bandhana ??mw - a.-I ? binding, tying, fettering; captivating (with tasya or 
end-comp.; cf. <bhAva?b?.>); holding fast, stopping; (end-comp.) dependent on; 
- bandhanam ? the act of binding, tying, fastening, fettering mn.; (also 
<bhAvI> f.) a bond, tie (also fig.), rope, cord, tether (in comp. with f. -A = 
bound to or fettered by); binding on or round, clasping; binding up..., 
detention, custody, imprisonment or a prison mn.; building, construction; 
embanking or an embankment; bridging over; ...; joining, ... coherence; fixing 
upon, directing towards (tasmin); checking, suppressing; (in phil.) mundane 
bondage (opp. to final liberation). ? 

santoSaH paramo lAbhaH satsaGgaH paramA gatiH | 
vicAraH paramaM jJAnaM zamo hi paramaM sukham ||

??????? ???? ???? ???????? ???? ????? 
?????? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??????
Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course, 
Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -- Yoga Vasishtha 
Selections from an ongoing translation ?can be had at:

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Message: 12
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 11:06:18 +0530
From: Krishnanand Mankikar <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] A troublesome shloka in Yoga Vasishtha y3055
Cc: jiva das <>,      yoga vasishtha
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dear JD,

I think, there is a misprint here.

????????? ?????? ?????????? (?) ???????

???????????????????????? ?? ?????????????????

????????? ?????? ?????????? (?) ???????
should be as follows:

??????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ?
???? ?? ?????  ??????? ???? ??????  ???? ?
 thus let the two of us us proceed by this same (as described above in 70)
route, on which we have agreed ( ??????)

2009/7/11 jiva das <>

> *I have a problem with Yoga Vasishtha 3.55.72, which can be seen in my
> notes below. *
> *   In two of the three editions that I employ, <yAvasteyena> is followed
> by a question mark. The commentary of Anandabodhendra takes no account of
> this, and I am not able to make any sense of it. *
> *   If any reader has a clue, please let me know. *
> **
> *x?x*
> * jd*
> This is the text-----which involves the goddess Sarasvati travelling
> through space with Queen Lila <lIlA>, in search of her dead husband. The
> Goddess is speaking of their space-journey together.
> y3055072
> ????????? ?????? ?????????? (?) ???????
> ???????????????????????? ?? ?????????????????
> *mArgeNa ^eva manena ^eva yAvasteyena [?] saMmatam | *
> *paraspara^icchA-vicchittir na hi sauhArda-bandhanI ||72|| *
>  *?*
> mArgeNa evam anena eva ?
> *Thus concerning this route ? *
> *yAvasteyena [?] ? *
> Both KG and VLM have this (?) ? ???
> saMmatam -
> *agreeing ? *
> paraspara-icchA-vicchitti-H ?
> *mutual-wish-separation ? *
> na hi sauhArda-bandhanI ?
> *not at-all the bonds of friendship. *
> yA avasteya
> avAstavena
> yAva-steya
> * *
> *72*
> *# saMmata, sammata* *??mw -* *adj*. - thinking together, being of the
> same opinion, consented or assented to, approved by (tasya or comp.); (in
> comp.) agreeing with; considered or regarded as (tat); thought highly of,
> renowned, highly honoured by (tasya); allowed, authorized (see
> <asammata>); ? *saMmatam *- opinion, impression (saMmate, saMmatena with
> tasya, "in the opinion of", "under the idea of"); consent, approval,
> acquiescence, concurrence (saMmate, "with the consent or approval of") ?
> *# vicchitti *??a ? ??????????? f. 1 (a) Cutting off or asunder, tearing
> off; ? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ?????-*???????????* Bh.3.11. (b)
> Breaking off, fracture. -2 Dividing, separating. -3 Disappearance, absence,
> loss, wanting; *??????????*??????????? ????? ?i.16.84. -4 Cessation. -5
> Colouring the body with paints and unguents, painting colours, rouge; *
> ??????????-*????? ?????????????? ?.7.5; ?i.16.84. -6 Limit, boundary (of a
> house &c.) -7 A pause in a verse, c?sura. -8 A particular kind of amorous
> gesture, consisting in carelessness in dress and decoration (through pride
> of personal beauty); ?????????????????? *???????????* ?????????????
> S.D.138. ?
> *# bandhana **??mw -* a.-I ? binding, tying, fettering; captivating (with
> tasya or end-comp.; cf. <bhAva?b?.>); holding fast, stopping; 
> (end-comp.)dependent on; -
> *bandhanam* ? the act of binding, tying, fastening, fettering mn.; (also
> <bhAvI> f.) a bond, tie (also fig.), rope, cord, tether (in comp. with f.
> -A = bound to or fettered by); binding on or round, clasping; binding
> up..., detention, custody, imprisonment or a prison mn.; building,
> construction; embanking or an embankment; bridging over; ...; joining, ...
> coherence; fixing upon, directing towards (tasmin); checking, suppressing;
> (in phil.) mundane bondage (opp. to final liberation). ?
> --
> santoSaH paramo lAbhaH satsaGgaH paramA gatiH |
> vicAraH paramaM jJAnaM zamo hi paramaM sukham ||
> ??????? ???? ???? ???????? ???? ?????
> ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??????
> Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course,
> Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment.
>                             -- Yoga Vasishtha
> Selections from an ongoing translation  can be had at:
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