
This is Saurabh Jangid from Technology Resource Group Inc.

You can reach me at 408-709-1760 ext 984.

kindly share your Updated Resume At sjan...@tresourceinc.com

*Job Description :*

*Role : .Net/ C# Developer*

*Location : Plano, TX*

*Duration : 4+ Months*

*GC and Citizen*

*Qualifications: *
- At least 5 years’ experience working with highly complex target
application environments (i.e. combination of client, web, middleware,
database, mainframe, third-parties, etc.).
- At least 3 years’ experience with Agile methodologies and supporting
techniques (e.g. Test Driven Development, Acceptance Test Driven
Development and continuous integration processes).
- Deep understanding of internet technologies.
- C# / ASP.NET
- JavaScript / jQuery / AngularJS / Node.js
- MS SQL Server / MongoDB
- Git / GitHub
- Ruby / Cucumber
- RESTful web services


Saurabh Jangid

Technical Recruiter

 *Technology Resource Group Inc.*

3736 Hills-dale Court Santa Clara, CA 95051

 Office:  408-709-1760 , Ext: 984  | Fax: 408-884-2409

Email:   sjan...@tresourceinc.com  | Web: www.tech-resource.com
Gtalk:   trg.saurabh  | YIM :   saurabh4jangid

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