How to work Google Aword

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*AdWords*, the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Google ads, to *making money with Google
*Make money for Google *and its advertisers of products and

*This is how it works: <>*

Sign up on *Google AdWords *account and place your ads which are shown by
Google on the right hand side of its results page under <*Sponsored

*From Click to sale your product. <>*

Everybody who searches for Google for something related to your product or
service wouldn't click your ad. and not all of those who do click your ad
would buy from your website on the first visit.

But Google would charge you for every click on your ad no matter if it
brings a sale to you or not.  <>

*Cost Estimation <>*

Let us say 100 people click on your ad costing you $0.05 per click and only
3 of them buy your product which pays you $2 per sale. This would result in
a profit of $1 for you as you are paying Google $5 for getting earning

Not a very tempting bargain to be sure but you could be losing money with
Adwords if none of your visitors bought
<>anything from you at all.

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